Nature's Shield Black Seed Oil 200ml
Nature's Shield Black Seed Oil 200ml
Black seed oil is well-known for its various health benefits and has been used as a panacea since ancient times, most notably by Hippocrates and in Ancient Egypt. Our certified organic black seed oil from Nature's Shield is carefully cold-pressed and stored in air-tight amber glass containers to maintain its purity. This traditional remedy has been highly regarded in Arabic, Asian, and Egyptian cultures for centuries and has even been found in King Tut's tomb. It's commonly used in cooking and beauty products, but always conduct a skin patch test before applying externally. To preserve the oil's quality, it should be stored in a cool, dry place and kept below 30 degrees Celsius once opened.
Nigella sativa, also known as nigella or kalonji, is an annual flowering plant in the Ranunculaceae family. It is native to south and southwest Asia and usually grows to a height of 20-30 cm (7.9-11.8 in). The finely divided, linear leaves of this plant are not thread-like and its delicate flowers are typically pale blue and white, with five to ten petals. The fruit of the plant, known as black caraway, is a large and inflated capsule made of three to seven united follicles. These follicles contain numerous seeds that are used to produce the highly sought-after black seed oil.
There are three natural phytochemical compounds in black seed oil that produce a tremendous benefit that researchers were very surprised to discover. The three compounds are thymoquinone (TQ), thymohydroquinone (THQ), and thymol.
100 % Certified Organic Black seed (Nigella Sativa) Oil.